Trip to Holmenkollen 10.-12.03/17
Trip to Oslo was next which we had to absolve. We were to visit the ski championship, museums and to spent the nights in the forest. In the first time I wasn’t keen on this trip because I more prefer nature than city, I would prefer to go Oslo to see biathlon…I was thinking “we will be alone in the forest or how will be looks like this situation”… these questions were on my mind…And Eva was less happy than me about this trip… On Friday morning we left our accommodation with tent and set off to bus station. At the bus station we were first so we set in the bus waiting for others. But others weren’t coming… At 6,55 we started be very nervous, we sent some messages to our group because bus left at seven… no answer… so we left Kristiansand alone without our group…we were thinking what happened, what we should have done… one idea which we had and it was still actual that they get on another place. Finally, it was and Me and Eva were happy that we didn’t go to Oslo alone
The way to Oslo was boring, everybody had sleeping so I had time to write my assignments
When we arrived to Oslo we decided to go to the camp to leave our stuff first. When we came to the camp I was so surprised….“We won’t be alone”… There were many really many people were camping they had cool shelters to make from snow (as iglu) with Norwegian flags, teepees, fires and a lot of equipments for outdoor cooking. I was really surprised – positively. We started to building our shelter, but nobody took the shovel … so next time- don’t forget!
There many really many people were camping they had cool shelters from Snow (as iglu) with Norwegian flags, tepees, fires and a lot of cooking and camping equipment. I was really surprised – positively. We started to building our shelter but nobody took the shovel… so next time- don’t forget! Fortunately every group of Norwegians had shovel and we lent from them. The weather was very nice, therefore we decided to go to the city. It wasn’t bad idea and we spent nice sunny day in the city. It was dark when we were coming back from city to the camp. When we had come to the camping place, I was more surprised than before. Every shelter had some lights, music, fire and very good (“party”) atmosphere. I should summarize this moment = VERY BIG PARTY IN THE FOREST… I couldn’t believe it… I expected that will be alone in the forest and this was exact opposite Now everybody was happy that we are in Oslo….we made fire, eta our food and after of course we (not all but most of us) joined to the party
It was amazing – I’ve never danced in the snow in the forest – we enjoyed this so much. On Saturday morning we went to ski jump but there were fewer people and poorer atmosphere than I expected. Afternoon we visited cross country the atmosphere was very good again. People supported racers along all the track. After, cross country we returned back to ski jump arena. Now there was a lot of people – almost full arena and a lot of Polish people…(Eva told me that they are really good in the ski jump). Me and Eva realized that there were Czech ski jumpers…so we were alone who supported Czech guys
The Atmosphere of race in the ski jump arena was amazing! I’ve never been in this atmosphere. I love sport and mainly doing sport and as a fun I watch on sport only on television. When we come back from the camp I expected big party again. But I didn’t recognize our camping place – almost nobody here and many garbage here. The weather started to change – was cloudy and foggy … Maybe it was reason why a lot of people left the forest. So we spent our evening around the fire… On Sunday the weather was really bad – So we visited The Fram Museum and after we went to home…. And because bus was full, me and Eve had to go by other bus…
Main points:
I was really surprised and enjoyed atmosphere of all this weekend ski race – it was amazing and I really didn’t expect that it will be so amazing Our group didn’t have any serious problem… On the other hand we separated very often… the reason was that everybody had different priorities – somebody wanted sleep longer, and for example I woken up earlier and I want to see ski jump but nobody wasn’t angry about it…Me and others met rest of our group during cross country skiing and in the afternoon we spent amazing time in ski jump arena together. By the way Germany was second. The FramMuseum – is very nice, modern museum – I like it. I know lot of interesting information for example how important its observe local lifestyle…(i have to go
I will continue…