Sunny saturday 14.01.
We all met up in front of University. The goal of our way was Den omvendte bat. The way was diffucult because the paths were so icy. Sometimes it looks like iceclimbing :). But when we came to our main point – Den omvendte bat. View was so amazing – snow, sun, blue sky – wonderful! We made many nice pictures! The way back was really adventure. There were many icy patches on the paths. We met our friends from SriLanka…they didn’t have clothes and mainly shoes (they have heels) for this trip – almost iceclimbing trip.This was their first experience with snow and ice!!! 🙂 They donť know how snow and ice work, what’s the best way and etc. Eva, me and some women from Norway helped them and we spent nice, crazy and maybe little danger time. 🙂