Assignment 18 – 29.05.17 – 02.06.17 costal course Randøya

In this week on the island we were in four mixed groups with the Norwegian students. The activities were large boats, rowboats, kayaking, biology (shallow and deep water), fishing and surviving for a night on an island.

On the island, we lived in old military barracks and could use a big kitchen for cooking. The boys lived in the old military hospital and had even a shower.


After bringing our stuff in the rooms and had some lunch the program started. Most of the Norwegians in my group I didn’t really know. We haven’t seen them for a long time and it was nice to spent some time together again. Right from the beginning we agreed, that we all really try to speak just English. In our group, it worked very well. Our first task was large boats. First, we talked about what to bring on a boat and about sea navigation. It was a repetition from the lecture we had with Len and at the same time preparation for the exam. We were divided in to tree groups, mixed internationals and Norwegian students. Every group had to steer, navigate and lead for a short time. It was an interesting feeling to steer the boat. It looks much easier than it is. It takes a long time till it turns or stops. On the boat, we fished with lines. It’s a long line on a holder and there are some hocks. To fish you have to let the line in to the water until the metal thing hits nearly the ground. Than you pull it up and down the whole time. Ida caught a fish like this. I have never been fishing before, so it was the first time I saw how a fish was caught and killed. When we were back on the island, we had a short lesson how to filet the fish and what is important to consider.

In the evening, we tried again to fish, went for a walk and played the piano in the kitchen building. We had a great time together and really enjoyed it.


In the morning, we had rowing. I never rowed like this before. The rowing boats were used for transportation and fishing earlier. The people who lived on islands needed boats to go from one point to another. It was also faster to cross a fjord than to go around or over a mountain.

In each boat were 3 to 4 people. Two are rowing, with the back towards the direction we go and the third looks in the direction we go to help steering. We mixed the boats with Norwegians and internationals, because most of the Norwegians rowed before. Ida and I were rowing first and Anna was looking where we go. It is hard work to row, but surprisingly we had our boat under control very quickly. It needs good teamwork, because both have to row in the same rhythm not to hit each other. We were quite fast and could enjoy at the same time. After a time we stopped on an island and practiced some knots. I liked that we mixed the boats. We had good conversations in our boat and got to know each other a little better. In general, was the atmosphere in our group very good and we had a lot fun together. As I heard from other groups, it was not in every group like this.

In the afternoon kayaking was on the program. In the beginning, we did almost the same like on the trip the week before (low/ high brace, turn, straight forwards and backwards) Because the wind was very strong we had to paddle to a bay. There we played and I didn’t expect that I have that much fun. We built rafts and changed places, paddled in groups of two from one to the other side standing in the kayaks and some other challenging tasks. Then we played tag. Normally I really don’t like that game, but in kayaks it was so funny. Martin capsized and we could also practice the rescuing. Because of the wind it was a little hard to get back. We changed the lead after short distances and kept the group together. These games were good for our group cohesion. We worked as a group from the beginning, but after this we felt even more comfortable.

Because we still didn’t catch a fish, we decided to try it again. We had two fishing-rods and walked to the coast where it was not that windy. First George caught a fish which was so small, that we let it go back in to the sea. After a while I had a very big fish on my rot, but while getting it out of the water, the line snapped and the fish swam away with the hock. Elouise caught a fish, took it out and while removing the hock she stung herself and the fish jumped back in the water. Eva had a fish on the hock as well, which also could get away before she could get him out. would have been a nice dinner, but at the end we all had to go back without a fish.


Wednesday morning, we met in the kitchen building to discuss the trip with the kayaks. The wind was even stronger that day and we had to decide what makes most sense. We agreed on a short trip first against the wind, along the bays that we have the wind in our back for going back to the island. It was harder than we expected to paddle against the wind. The wind always takes the kayak to one side and we had to correct it all the time while lifting the knee on the other side. It was a good experience with the wind and high waves. Communication was difficult, as well as staying together as a group. Bowen and Eva were in charge and Bowen wanted to reach our destination, even the wind was so strong that a few of us had some real struggle. Finally, we stopped in a calm bay and were able to communicate, while building a raft. Bowen leaded the discussion and together as a group we came to the decision, that we go back and don’t take the risk, that somebody capsizes on the way. Not everybody said what they wanted. But as soon one person says that she/he doesn’t feel comfortable the decision should be not to do it. Most accidents happen, because someone didn’t say no or they don’t feel secure. Before we went back, we had a short break on an island. Right from the beginning we set a time when we leave again. On the way, we did it like the day before and on the other kayak trip. We changed the lead after short distance and gathered the group on wind sheltered spots.

In the afternoon, we had shallow water biology. I looked forward to that part the whole time. With the equipment, we walked from the garage to the water. On the way, we stopped at an anthill. We took a stick and nocked gently on the hill. The ants were irritated and pied on the stick. When we liked the stick, it tasted a little sour. We also eat an ant. It was very special and a weird feeling. To go in to the water we had some special cloths. Trousers with boots which are waterproof up to the chest. This allowed us to walk in to the water and collect everything we found. We had crabs, snails, mussels, oysters, sea weed, jelly fishes, …. We had everything in white boxes and had a look at the end what we found. The most interesting was to know, what we can eat. Svein cooked an oyster I found, some snails and blue mussels. I was curious, so I tried everything. The raw oyster was horrible and it tasted like you take a sip of the ocean. But the other things tasted surprisingly good. I even decided to collect some blue mussels and take the oysters with me, to have it for dinner. Before we finished we walked on the island and found some plants we could try. As well as that we fished some other type of sea weed out of the sea where it was a little deeper and wilder. It was an interesting task and I learned a lot.

In the evening, we had guidance about the island we were staying. It is an old military basis and we visited the tower from where they communicated and the tunnel system. Underground are still rooms with equipment at which we could look and touch. It’s like a museum, but the things are not behind glass. Many school classes visit the island and I think it’s a paradise for them to explore. Learning in environment like this is the best for me and I hope I can integrate that concept in my work later when I start to work as a teacher.


Before it was our turn to go on the surviving island night we had deep water biology on the plan. Luckily it was not that cold, because even with the two wetsuits it was still possible to feel the cold temperature of the sea. It was very difficult to get the wetsuits on. Because of my claustrophobia I didn’t feel comfortable at all and I wasn’t sure if I can do it. It was hard for me to breath, but I decided that I want to try it. After then minutes in the water and just concentrating on breathing I decided that it makes no sense. I went out of the water and had to take the upper part of the wetsuit of. I am happy that I tried it. I came to my limit and I think I know my body good enough to know when I have to stop something. It was ok and everybody in the group understand me. Again, we looked at what we found after getting back. It was not that much different than the day before, but still interesting.

After lunch, we had to get ready for the island night. I packed a lot of cloths because the others told us that they were very cold. Some food and water was in the bag as well, in case we don’t catch fish for dinner. I looked forward to the island night, even we heard some not so good stories from other groups. Because we already had the whole week together we knew each other quite well and I knew we can have a lot of fun. The wind was very strong again and we had to decide if we want to go on the island closer or further away. We agreed on the one further away even if it was hard work to get there. One rowing boat has just one person to row, I was passenger in that one and felt a little helpless, because I couldn’t do anything. After a time, we connected our boat with another, what helped a little. We wanted to wait to put out the nets until the wind decreases. So, we explored the island and found a nice place to set up the camp for the night and have a fire. In two groups we went fishing, some collected mussels and snails and others started to collect firewood and build a shelter against the wind. We met again, to put out the nets. At that time Eva and I didn’t catch any fish and Martin and Sindre came back with eight fishes in their hands. We were a little sad that we didn’t caught a fish but very happy on the other hand, because that meant that we enough fish for dinner for sure. Setting the nets didn’t take us that much time. But before we got really out of our place we had the boat, Oystein broke the oar. So, I had to row almost on my own. That was hard but luckily it was not that windy anymore. When we came back, we had a “lesson” what to do with the fish, that we can eat it for dinner. All of us who wanted could try to take out the entrails and make some filets. On my first filet, I lost a lot of meat. It is not that easy to do it correctly. But I think to really learn it, you have to try it yourself. The time went very fast on the island. We started to make a fire and we got some visitors. Alost all of the internationals visited us with the kayaks. That was funny and nice, because it was the last evening on this trip. They stayed in the water, but talked with us and asked us how we feel. After that we had dinner. We made the filets over the fire even on a stick or on a hot stone and some fish as a whole on a stick. We cooked the vegetables we got and added some stuff from everyone who brought something. We had a lot of food to eat. We were also dancing next to the fire and singing. It didn’t really feel like a survival night. I was very happy with our group and I think all of us felt very comfortable. We played some games, before some of us decided to sleep. The night was ok but I didn’t sleep that much. The mosquitos kept me awake and after the night I had bites in my whole face. Eva and I decided to try to catch a fish again in the morning before we leave. Again, we didn’t but at least we tried. After packing we rowed back and tuck out the nets on the way. In one net was no fish, in the second six and in the third one. The first thing we had to do when we were back was, to take out the fishes. All of them were still alive, even they told us they are most likely dead. We had a lot of flat fishes, which were very small. We decided to let them go and kept just the catfish and a big flat fish. We prepared them that we can cook it in the fish soup later and cleared the nets. Some of us already started to chop the vegetables for the soup and the others prepared the fish. It was a little weird that we had to eat soup that early but we had to clean after, to leave the island in time. The soup was very good and everybody of the group did something to do it.  We were all very tired and glad that we had some free time to have a nap in the bead. Even if it was not a good idea, because after the nap I was much more tired than before.

I enjoyed the whole week on the island and learned a lot. I am very happy that we had such a good group, I think that’s a very big component. It was a wonderful final trip with the whole class and we realized that the semester is soon over. On all the trips, I learned a lot about myself, about my limits and interests. It was absolutely the right decision to do this course and I am happy about every experience I can take with me.