Assigment 16- Sea Kayaking- 6th to 8th of June

The final activity that we undertook during this semester was sea kayaking. As we had done sea kayaking on the Randoya week Len decided that we would not need any supervision and that we could plan and do our own trip. For this we split into two groups with half the group planning one day and the other group planning the remaining day.

The first day of the trip we set off from Roligheden beach setting off towards Oderoya. As we went round Oderoya we paddled across to the islands of Bragdoya and Andoya and around the area past that into the bays. Hear we stopped for lunch and this is where the group decided to split into 2 smaller groups as myself and two others wanted to carry on paddling whilst the others wanted a longer lunch break, however we felt like this was a waste of time so decided to paddle on, however I do feel like this lessened he social cohesion of the group as the others may have felt we did not want to paddle with them, although we only did this as we wanted to keep moving. During this paddle it did not take as long to reach the island of Bragdoya as we thought it would therefore we decided to carry on further past it to Andoya. On the way out the water was relatively calm, however part way through the paddle the wind began to pick up making the water very choppy and this meant that some members of the group were  having difficulties keeping in a straight line. I feel that during this day we had a good level of group cohesion as we all had worked together many times before now, this was evidenced by the high level of communication between group members about direction and speed and also during the rough sections of water everyone maintained a close distance from each other so we would quickly be able to rescue someone if they capsized.

We decided to skip the next day as the weather was too bad to paddle in so we decided to postpone the finale day. On the last day there was a problem at university and the kayaks had been given to another group this meant that we had the option of not doing the trip or using canoes. We decided to use canoes, however this meant we had to adapt our plans as we would be unable to travel as far in the canoes. Therefore we hugged the coastline and explored the islands to the east of Roligheden, however after 3 hours the wind picked up meaning it was very difficult to effectively move any wear so we decided to turn around and head back. His was a good day however it was much harder work than kayaking.

Overall this was a good way to end the course and a good last trip, I believe at this stage in the course the group is firmly in the performance stage of group development and on this trip we worked well as a team with effective communication and good social cohesion except for the slight dip when the group separated however I do feel this was for the best as it meant all group members got what they required from the trip.