Student Organized Field Trip

Planning process

Group Names

Katja, Anne, Jais, Sharron, Will

  • Leave 0845 Friday 20th
  • Back on 23rd
  • Equipment
    • 1 tent
    • 2 Stoves
    • Avalanche probes
    • Food for 3 days
    • Personal equipment
    • Route
      • Day 1: Hovden to Tjoornbrotbru Cabin 13km (Escape: Back to Hovden or Cabin)
      • Day 2: Tjoornbrotbru Cabin to Camp at 4150,6596 7.5km (Escape to Tjoornbrotbru Cabin) (Get there and practice technique)
      • Day 3: Camping at: 4150,6596 to Berdalsbu Cabin 7.64km
      • Day 4: Berdalsbu Cabin to Nordheim 5.6 km

Group dynamic processes before and after

Our group dynamics were really good.  I would not say that there was much of a change within our group dynamics before or after the trip.  I think our group did a really good job at everyone pulling their own weight.  I felt that everyone on the trip was a vital member of the team and it wouldn’t have been as fun or as successful without our whole group.

Execution of the field trip

The trip went according to plan.  The one thing that could have gone better was buying the bus tickets before we got to the bus station on Friday.  We got a horrible deal with the bus tickets.  The morning after having slept outside though a winter storm we decided to eat our lunch for breakfast since we did not have to cook that and get on the road straight away.  We knew the hut was close so we had our breakfast at the hut later that day for lunch.


Our group had some challenges when it came to going down hills. It took me a lot longer to get down the hill then the rest of the group, but Anna and Katja did a great job and leading me down the hill and helping me pick the best route for me.  I definitely learned a lot this trip and became a better skier but I couldn’t have done it without the help of the group.

Reflection on the learning outcomes, what was successful, what was not?

I would say the tour was successful.  I think we all became better skiers; more conditioned better map readers, and ultimately better leaders.