Assignment 10 – Kindergarten visit and reflection report

In the following reflection report we will be summarizing our experiences of multiple kindergarten visits in Kristiansand. Afterwards we will give describe everyday life in german kindergartens and critically compare it to Norway.

Having learned about growing up and education in general here in Norway especially considering Friluftsliv we were expecting a different approach from the one we knew from our home country and were not dissappointed. Right after breakfast the kids were assembled outside and helped to put on proper outdoor clothing and take their lunch. Even bad weather and rain didn’t change the schedule and all kids were gathered outside briefly to shortly after hike into the nearby woods. The class was consisting of 2 adults and almost 20 kids of ages 4-6. We had gotten the older class knowing that there is also a class of 1-3 year-olds in the same kindergarten with similar programs shaped to the age.

After a hike in the woods where all kids were given free choice to run around and explore we gathered at a site with benches and a fireplace. Some groups were building shelters together with us students. After a small math lesson with pine cones the kids were given free time to play around the area, get creative and try out the very exciting hammock we had put up. While the kids were playing one teacher was watching while the other was preparing a warm and tasty lunch for everybody. When it was ready all the kids were gathered in line to get their food one after another and everybody sat together eating. After lunch, when the weather was better, the kids were given even more time to play outside. Most kids played together in groups and got very creative building their own shelter, playing theatre and just enjoying the outdoors.
In a chat to the teachers we were informed that sometimes many days a week look similar to the one we witnessed and that the kids get a lot of time in the outdoors. The concept of it being many learning outcomes that instead of inside can be easily achieved in the outdoors as well. Many kindergartens also have an outdoor class that learns outside even more and parents can choose to place their child into it.

Kindergarten in Germany is run differently. The separation in age group classes is the very similar. Not surprisingly already kindergarten seems a lot more structured than over here in Norway. There sometimes is a set schedule with something like classes and a lot of the learning outcomes are trying to be realized inside. Topics like maths and german are being introduced to the kids in preparation of primary school. The main difference to norwegian kindergartens is definitely the Friluftsliv educational concept that leads to the great time spent outdoors in norwegian kindergartens. On the other hand when taking a realistic approach one has got to admit, that the logistics in Germany often do not allow such an easy access to nature as norwegian locations do. That might be the biggest reason inhibiting an implementation of a concept like the one that is working and educating kids with the help of the outdoors here in Norway.
Our opinion is that even due to problematic logistics there is a lot that the german kindergarten system could learn from the norwegian one and that they could try, especially in rural areas to implement such ideas as outdoor education from such a young age. Urban kindergartens could try enhancing their program with more excursions and hiking days with the kids.

Kindergarten reflection report by Michael and Simon