Teaching at Helleviga

–          05-05-15/08-05-15

We stay at Helleviga for a week to teach some outdoor skills to the last years students of a school. We made a program for them what covers an evening and morning of outdoor activities with one overnight in gapehuts.  The students are coming in three groups and every day a group leaves at 12 and a group arrives at 6 in the evening. We’re also staying in gapehuts 30min walking  away from the school camp. The activities included: abseiling, canoeing, orienteering, fire, stretchers, management games and shelters.

We started with heavy rain, but as soon as the firs group arrived the weather got better. The groups were very cooperating and everyone was involved. It were really nice groups to work with.

We had three birthday’s this week and we celebrated them  at the campfire in the evening. Florin played a birthday song on the harmonica and we were all singing. One of the school groups showed us the traditional Norwegian way of singing the birthday song  with a dance.



The camp was a great success, the students were happy, the teachers were happy and we were happy. They decided to do a camp like this next year.