
Lillehammer trip
–          Theorie


We used our compass to cross the coutry to the top of the nevelfjell and to go down again. The method we used is called Silva 1-2-3. On top of the Nevelfjell started my compass to be covered with ice and wasn’t readable anymore during skiing. I had to close it and keep it out of the wind. I stopped and turned against the wind to read it.

The Silva System: Easy as 1-2-3


Place your compass on the area map with the Base Plate edge connecting where you are with where you want to go.



Set the compass heading by turning the compass Dial until the “N” aligns with Magnetic North (MN) on the map.



Remove the compass from the map and hold it level in front of you with the Direction of Travel Arrow pointing straight ahead. Turn your body until the red end of the Needle is directly over the Orienting Arrow, pointing to the “N” on the dial. The Direction of Travel Arrow now points precisely to your destination. Look up, sight on a landmark and walk to it. Repeat this procedure until you reach your destination.


We had the opportunity to make fire at Krokbua, the hut which the DNT provide with wood.


We used tampons, paper and birch bark to light the fire. I collected old man’s beard for tinder for the last day. This is a moss that grows on the trees. The wood was wet so I made some feather sticks to make the wood catch on fire.

feather stick

Old man's beard







We build the fire like a pyramid. Started with small wood pieces. After they burned we added bigger wood logs. We dropped the wood logs around the fire to dry before we put them on the pyramid. This is an easy way to build the fire. The core of the fire  burns away and the outside logs fall inwards the heart of the fire is feed constantly. This type of fire gives a good radiation and even wet wood will burn.
