Daytrip with Norwegians 1

Daytrip with Norwegians 1

This is our first day trip with the Norwegian friluftsliv students. These student are studying friluftsliv for two semesters and organise some day trips for us. It’s a cold and rainy day with even some wet snow.

We gather in the morning in front of Spicheren and the Norwegian group who lead us today introduce themselves. They hand out a pile of wood and everyone has to take a piece to carry. We walk to one of the tops in Jegersberg and take a look at the view over the city. Unfortunately it’s raining and there is a strong wind. We took a break on top for a quick lunch and walk to the next top. This top is called the Omvente båt. It earns his name to the big stone in the middle, it looks like an upside down boat.

“There’s no such thing as bad weather, olny bad clothes.” “There’s no such thing as bad weather, olny bad clothes.”


We leave the top because also here it’s very windy what makes it cold. We walk down and take a break near the water. The Norwegians build two small fires so everyone can sit around it and cook their food. We walk home again after this big lunch break.

During the trip we didn’t really talk with the Norwegian students. They only speak Norwegian and most of them don’t seem to be interested in having a conversation with the internationals. This might be because of the high tempo we walked what made it hard to have a conversation. The trip was maybe a bit too much for the first acquaintance with the cold and wet weather. At least I know now that my gear is good enough to keep me warm and dry.