Jegers hike

–          20-04-15/22-04-15

I go on a hike together with Kirby and two of her friends. We had the plan to walk to a certain point but we had to change plans because of constructions in the middle of Jegers. We walked around the area we were not allowed to go. We took a break at the lake and dropped our feet in the water. The weather was beautiful and some people were swimming in the lake. We continued our hike and searched for a nice place for our camp. Kirby and her friend put up a tent and I’m going to sleep in my hammock. I don’t put the tarp over it because it’s warm and it will stay good weather. I make a small fire to cook and the other are going out for an evening walk. We go to bed round eleven. I watch the stars and fall asleep.

We wake up round 9 in the morning and the sun is shining bright. We pack our gear and Kirby and her friend go home. I stay and take my time for a nice breakfast. I’m going to try walking around the area that  we are not allowed to go to and walk first to lake lomtjønn. I take a break and I see a beaver house. From this lake I walk to Kyrtjønn lake. I take a bath and dry up in the sun. I continue walking and try to reach the path up to den Omventebåt. It’s really nice to walk alone, I can take my own pace and can take a break whenever I want. I put my hammock up in the sun next to the small stream to den Omventebåt. I make a small fire and cook my dinner on it. I go to bed when it’s dark and have a good night under the stars.

I wake up very early and consider to walk to the top of the Omventebåt to see the sunrise, but I’m too warm and comfortable in the hammock and fall asleep again. I wake up from the sun and take my time for a good breakfast and packing my gear. I continue my walk and now I have to find a road that’s not on the map to go around the shut off area. I make it to the little lake but from here all the roads are closed. I see a runner coming through the woods and he comes from the direction I want to go to. I take his road through the bushes to walk around the closed area and after 20m I’m on the road again with the dangerous signs behind me. So I’m out of the danger zone and continue walking. I end up on the tracks I know and walk back home.