Assignment 3

Monday fieldtrip 27.01.2020

Topic: Orienteering with map and compass

After the Organisation Team told us our spots at Jegerberg we have to find. we decided that we first need to understand how to use a compass. First of all we nothernd the map so we used our Compass to find out where North is and turned the Card in this direction. after that we pointed our place, we have to find,with the compass to find out the right degrees we have to walk. after we have understood the prozess of finding out how to use the compass with the map, we started to find some paths that can help us to get to the place. So we agreed on a route and went to the places.

All in all I would say, that we were quite successfull. the hardest part for me at least was to really decide that we are finally at the right spot. Because you dont just need to read the relief but you also have to trust your self that this is now the Right spot.

After we arrived back in the camp we had to reflect our path we took with marking the way. The others where quite impressed because we decided to make a loop so we didnt had to go back the same way and it was also the shortes way we could take.

WHen everybody arrived back at the startpoint, we played a game. In this game ist the aim to find an object with a compass, which the other Group hided. therefore they told us the direction and the distance to the object. This was quite funny and we improfed our Compass skills.

We ended our day with a smal quiz About mapping and Maps.

For me it was quite nice to use the Compass the first time and got a smal idea of how to use a Compass. But now that i reflect the day I noticed that we havent used the Compass on our way. We just sticked to the map with all it´s relief characteristics. I also realised that useing Compass is not that easy and i defenetly have to improve my skills because in my opinion ist really important to use a Compass.

” Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a Trail.” Ralph Waldo Emerson