Assignment 4

Monday fieldtrip 24.02.20

This Monday a team of the internationals had to plan the monday. Because of a lot of sick people Sarah and Michelle called me on sunday night if i could help them with guiding threw the day. So we meet a bit earlier and they explained me an Marie their plan. First they had prepared some pictures of us which we used to form groups of the day with. So every person got a peace of the puzzel and then they had to find their “puzzel-mates”. once the puzzel was done, we explained them their next task. It was a game called 22. In this game the teams have an hour time to get to a point we showed them (stijön). on their way they had to do some small challanges (like shouting, acting, climbing). For every picture or video they made of it, they got a point. After the first groups arrived at the end point. Marie and me changed a bit the first plans of the girls and decided to do one more group dynamic game. Therefore the teams had to pass a parcour as fast as they can. But every person of the team got one handycap. 2 of them could not see, 2 could not talk and 2 could not move. To decide, who has which handycap and how they will manage the task, they had 2 min time. It was really interesting how the Groups managed the task and which problems came up. because we saw so many differences we decided to do a direct feedback round after the task in the groups and also after every group did the task we gathered together to exchanges ideas and experiences with everybody.

After the lunch break the actual plan was to play capture the flag but because all of us had to plan the trip that started the next day, we decided all together that it would be better to take the time sit together in the groups and plan our trips.

Because I just jumped in for some sick girls, I haven´t planed a lot but i really appreciated their plans. It was a really fun and creative game and after the hole day we did a feedback round on the day. Everybody was really excited and they had a lot of fun. Me and Marie were even a bit sad that we couldn´t attend the game because we also thought it is a really fun game. Sarah and Michelle were also quite happy that we decided to change the game they had planned before the lunch break, because their game was a bit dangerous and would have took a lot of more time. So it was also nice for us to create a part of the day.

All in all I think everybody had a lot of fun this day and the people got to now each other a lot better.