Day 1

03.02.2020 Day 1

After we arrived with the bus in Syrtveit we checked in at Trollaktiv, which is also the company we will cooperate the next months.

After we got setteled in our houses (we devided them into vegeterians and meat eater, so our house was lovely called:” the Slaterhouse”), we got to know Tim and Sindra (our guides) and had our first lecture about waxing the skis and clothes we had to wear.

How to wax a cross Country ski:

To wax a ski you first have to put on a baselayer which should be the coldest wax you have. We all get to know that the coldest colour is green (really confusing for us but for tim it was confusing that we would all guess blue is the coldest colour). After you have applied the base layer you have to wax the middle section of the ski. for that you devide the ski into 3 parts and the middle part (the one under your binding) has to get 3 thin layers of the wax, which is the best for the actual day snow conditions. Everytime ou put on some wax you have to “Corc it in”. Therefore you have to use the Peace of corce and rup it over the ski till you almost can´t see the wax anymore.

That was quite interesting for me because I am used to wax my snowbaord, but I havent thought waxing a cross country ski is totally differnt to it. But now it defenetly makes sences for me, because the grip is so important in cross country skiiing and if you go downhill skiing you just want the ski to be fast and you don´t have to vary with every snowconditions. So at cross country skiing we need a wax that let the ski stick to the snow so its easier to walk and get up some hills. 

After this short introduction about waxing Sindra presented us the best cloths we have to wear, while cross country skiing, with a smoth strip show. I think the only thing that was new and helpfull for me was the information that if we have the oportunity to buy some new pants, we should look for some pants that have a wrinkel over your knee so you can integrate some sitting pads there. Thus your knees dont get wet and cold if you have to build a shelter. because it takes such a long time to warm up your knees and if your knees are cold your hole body feels cold.

After we checked our gear, we went to Hogas to try our luck the first time on the skis. We learned how to click our shoe into the skies and did some exercies of turning, driving strate, walking in a 8, how to walk up a hill (Fishleg) and how to break. we had quite a lot of fun and fell a lot of times. Because the last times I stand on skies was 6 years ago, it was quite chalanging but in the same time so much fun for me! After 2 hours i felt a lot more comfortable then before and the hole group did really well. because of that, Sindra gave us some time to walk by our selfs. this was really nice! I enjoyed to tested my limits. I also really enjoyed to be outside in the snow. It showed me again how much i love the nature espetially when its a snowy landscape. Then I get excited, happy, calm and I get a comfortable feeling. I think this is caused by the fact i got raised with going every winter for several days to Austria into the mountains to do some Wintersport.We were so lucky that it started snowing directly after we arrived in Syrtveit!